Used Automobiles
Tell us what you need.
Delivery To Your Country
We will find the best car for your company from auction sites all over Japan. Please contact us for more information.
We search for passenger cars, minivans, trucks, sports cars, and other vehicles. The Incoterms are FOB (forwarding.)
From Auction
Our Service Specification
We can help you with any import concerns you may have. Here are some of the transportation companies we use.
We can handle your imports from Russia, CIS countries, Asia, South America, etc. We can also arrange RORO vessels for you or your company by FOB.
If you have a large number of units, we can also arrange for RORO vessels that we use.
Our Partner
Cooperating Company: G3 Corporation
2454-1 Hongo, Toyama City, Toyama 930-0108, Japan
Factory authorized by Hokuriku Shinetsu Transport Bureau, Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism, Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture, Japan.
We will provide our customers with neat maintenance, removal of Japanese ETC equipment, and Japanese navigation systems.